Radical Innocence

Radical Innocence

The first encounter with painting is often a delight and a surprise. Each color is a delicious revelation; strangely satisfying forms appear; we’re amazed and fascinated by the mysterious images that emerge. And the room feels safe—a supportive, inspirational...
Trusting Your Intuitive Intelligence

Trusting Your Intuitive Intelligence

We’re happy to offer the following guest post by Jean Matlack of Rockport, Maine. Jean is a participant in our online course, Introduction to Facilitating Process Arts. She first posted these reflections as a comment on the course material and we felt so touched by...
Following the Thread

Following the Thread

The Way It Is There is a thread you follow. It goes among things that change. But it doesn’t change. People wonder what you are pursuing. You have to explain about the thread. But it is hard for others to see. While you hold it you can’t get lost. Tragedies happen;...
Working From the Body: Feeling and Painting

Working From the Body: Feeling and Painting

One of the ways our facilitators support painters at The Painting Experience is to direct them toward what they are feeling, or sensing, to access the body’s intelligence and to help bypass the thinking mind. We will ask questions that help you notice what you are...
Facilitating Process Arts: A Guiding Principle

Facilitating Process Arts: A Guiding Principle

The moment you get into the quest for the Self and begin to go deeper, the real Self is waiting there to receive you, and then whatever is to be done is done by something else and you, as an individual, have no hand in it. ~ Ramana Marharshi With twenty, thirty or...